YouMint is a unique social utility that connects you with people around you. Only real people! YouMint pays you to invite friends and to receive SMS promos! It might just pay your Mobile bill :-)
You mint offers services as fallows
Send free SMS to any one in India
Get paid for inviting friends and get more promo.
Create and sell mobile contents to friends like wallpaper, screen saver,etc..
Get paid for receiving adds on your mobile
get paid for your friends receiving adds on their mobile
Contact with friends via personal messages
and many more
Confused on how they pay us? OK, here’s how it works
- What you get each time you get a promo SMS – Rs 0.20
- What you get when a friend you referred get a promo – Rs 0.10
- What you get when a friend of the friend you referred gets a promo – Rs 0.05
So therefore, if you have lots of friends, who have a lot of friends, you could make a lot of money each time a promotion is done. Even if we send everyone 1 promo a day, you stand to earn Rs. 666 every month. OK, OK, here’s the math again
- What you make for receiving 1 promo a day for a month : 1 promo x 30 days x Rs.0.20 per promo = Rs 6
- What you make when a friend you referred gets a 1 promo a day for a month: 1 promo x 30 days x Rs.0.10 per promo x 20 friends = Rs 60
- What you make when a friend of a friend you referred gets 1 promo a day for a month : 1 promo x 30 days x Rs.0.05 per promo * 400 friends (assuming each of your twenty friends successfully referred 20 friends each)= Rs.600
So, Rs 6 + Rs 60+ Rs 600 adds up to a cool Rs 666!
Signup now and start earning {Click hear}
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