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Sunday, March 14, 2010

How to Save Lots Of Paper At College

Save Lots Of Paper At College

Far too much paper is used for hardly any reason these days. It's true that reading from paper is far more comfortable than reading from a computer screen, but there are quite a few ways that you can cut down on the amount of paper you use. Saving paper at college is one small step you can take towards saving the environment.

Things You'll Need:

  • A laptop with an Internet Connection
  1. Step1

    First of all, the best way to cut down on paper use, is to print out as little as possible. Most colleges will have a method of sending in assignments via a computer other than email that you can use, but you'll likely have your professors email which you can use to send in assignments as well.

  2. Step2

    Secondly, try to use notebook paper as little as possible, take notes on your laptop if you can. You may want to look for a better battery if you're computer just can't survive through your classes, or look into carrying multiple charged batteries if you need it. If you have to use a paper notebook, write as small as you can and use the front and back of the page.

  3. Step3

    Lastly, recycle the paper with notes, assignments, and information from previous semesters or years that you no longer need. This paper can seriously accumulate over time. Remember to separate the paper into colored, white printer paper, and newspaper before taking it for recycling if you have a big