Just a Click

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Written in the days when I was a call center executive, who worked nights, and slept days. My body clock has not forgiven me for that yet.
1. You wake up in the middle of the noon and wonder who turned the lights on.
2. You tend to ask yourself which is the most masculine part of Britney Spears’ body.
3. You switch to contacts for a day, and then switch back to glasses for a year.
4. The last time you drank was the last time you were sober.
5. Your fave abbreviations are RC, JD, KF and MC.
6. You grow your hair for a year with all your love, then cut it off because you cant comb it clean.
7. The last time that you called justdial was to check where they provided chicken biriyani at 3 a.m.
8. You pack up completely and leave, only to remember that the only thing that you left behind were a clean pair of underwear.
9. The only time you called a guy was when he owed you some cash.
10. Your idea of office formals include osho slippers, hooded t-shirts, and sometimes a three-fourth cargo.

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